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Title: Dance Daddy, Dance Like Duck! (published in 2021)

Pricing varies: $200-$350


The reading will be 25 minutes, with Q&A following. If writing workshop is included in package, then an additonal 45 minutes.


Synopsis: It is a happy birthday for Marcos at his grandparents' house when he turns four years old, and a grand birthday celebration awaits him on his special day. It is no secret to his family that "he loves everything there is to know about ducks, and acts like them too!" Most importantly, he realizes that hard times and sad feelings don't have to last forever. 

Themes: Extended Families, Inclusion, Diversity, Self-Esteem, Adversity, Adaptability 



Title: Listening for God's Voice (published in 2023)

Pricing: $350


The readings will be 60 minutes, with Q&A and book signing following.


Synopsis: Donna proclaims Jesus Christ as her personal Savior and witnesses to overcoming many trials and tribulations through God’s mercy, power, forgiveness, healings, and saving grace. Through the years, God has touched her life in so many ways; literally, “breaking shackles neath a load of guilt and shame” to allow her favor in listening for His guiding voice. She has written a religiously-oriented non-fiction book which contains entries written in Christian meditations, memoirs, personal essays, and selected self-written poems. To the best of her abilities through the workings of the Holy Spirit, she has tried to breathe God’s word into the writing of each of the experiences and challenges faced by herself and characters within the Bible. 

Themes: She addresses 21 themes such as Faith, Disobedience, Anxiousness, Forgiveness, Grace, and Marriage.


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